Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Signs Of Skin Cancer On The Foot What Is Your Opinion Of Medical Astrology? Different Body Parts Corresponding To Different Signs?

What is your opinion of medical astrology? Different body parts corresponding to different signs? - signs of skin cancer on the foot

Ram's head, brain, eyes, facial muscles, the pineal gland

Taurus, the neck, throat, thyroid, larynx, chin, jaw, ears, tongue, vocal chords, jugular vein, tonsils

Gemini hands, fingers, arms, shoulders, upper ribs, lungs, bronchial tract, trachea, thymus, nerves and nervous system

Early detection of breast, sternum, stomach, digestive tract, the lower ribs, uterus, pancreas,

Leo upper back, spine, spleen, heart, aorta, transport --

Virgin nervous system, intestine, stomach, abdomen, lower spinal nerves, intestines, nails, spleen

Libra lower back (lumbar spine), lower back, buttocks, kidneys, adrenal glands, the blood vessels of the skin

Scorpio-genital, bladder, cervix, anus, urinary, prostate --

Sagittarius, the liver, hips, thighs, blood system, pelvis, femur (thigh bone)

Capricorn bones, joints, knees, skin, teeth

Aquarius, the circulatory system, ankle, hamstring, calves, shins, respiration, eye


I'm Scorpio and I have alwaysSingle-sex high, according to the genitals of one of the body is to be signed in relation to mine. Any other similar connections between the body parts to its sign, or otherwise medically related?


Top Secret said...

Well, I do not have too deeply into this, but I'm a fool for real people who know how to massage my back lol
I am also on the heart (the real doctors, not the \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ u0026lt, 3). and now that I think I love everything you mentioned that Leo lol

Question intewesting vewy, vewy fact intewesting

Magical Purple Sock said...

I have a Sun Sagittarius, Aquarius rising, cancer in the 6th House.

I have no problem with my hip or something or something has been destroyed. But for my sun, sprained my ankle many times and I think that is not the greatest. I'm supposed to wear glasses, but not all the time. What is my 6th House cancer, abdominal pain very bad.

I am Jamie-irish child said...

Thanks for the info
Answer to my question

chainLig... said...

Absolutely no evidence that this may be true. No other signs may include a "high" or more sexual desire?

You have an opinion, speculation or do you prefer requested?

If this is not science is superstition.

Edit: Until 18 Century? When he started, the Enlightenment? When logic and reason to throw what was going on with the lies and superstition. They do not know your past, sources of the history of medicine CaptainLeaf, but remained for a reason. Sun does not work.

Edit again: How does a doctor of the ancient world knows really sure if someone is born? The confidence of the patient? Maybe you do not even know! Until the early twentieth century birth records were not met. With the exception of the upper class or royalty. Those who could not afford to disrupt, even with astrology. For hundreds of years of little or no record. Time zones are not in use. How to become a doctor to make sure that someone in the sign of the birth?

Edit: I mean, exactly. Scientists believe they are not "things. You see, observe,assess, measure and test again. If you are better test results discarded old. Try it with astrology. How to recognize and measure? You people who "study" Astrology is nothing wrong with it or found it perfect?

Left-T ... said...

Medical Astrology work safely. Among all the sufferings of Mars and Saturn, you can expect problems in physical symptoms in later life.

March creates inflammation, cuts, burns in stomach cancer, fever in Aries, etc ... obstruct and impede and Saturn, for example in the balance, which could affect the flow of urine causing gall bladder, etc. .. or Leo, the smooth functioning of the heart, stroke, etc. .. prevented

Then Venus, Jupiter suffering have, if the sugar and food intake, that sooner or later, usually from obesity, high blood pressure pressure.

Standards scorp genitals and prostate cancer and if it does not affect March, will have problems sooner rather than later. Fish have their feet and ankles weak, even if under the rule of Aquarius.

CaptainL... said...

What is my opinion about medical astrology? I think that's a fact. Astrology and medicine go hand in hand off for a very long time. In 460 BC the Greek philosopher and doctor Hippocrates () as the father of medicine, said: "A physician without knowledge of Astrology has no right to call him to their doctor." In fact, until the eighteenth century was the study of astrology and its relationship with the body of a very important part of training a doctor. If a patient is sick graphic was immediately established. This guide is physician regarding diagnosis and treatment that the crisis was and what medication can help.

Edit: I have a book "Encyclopedia of Medical Astrology" by HL Cornell since 1933 with the title. In the past I have tried other fish rulers, in addition to the feet, lol. Outwardly, Pisces rules the feet and toes. Internally, the rules of the endocrine system, lymphatic system, synovial fluid. Structurally, the foot bones of tarsus, metatarsus and phalanges.

Edit: To Chain Lightningserving in power to consult astrologers, not whether it is him. Those who do not believe "in astrology" are simply too scared to look, introspection, because you have to take responsibility for their own happiness. Accept also that you are not in control of everything, I too can understand, a concept for some frightening. "If this is not science is superstition." Really? "Well, I'm sure you understand," scientific "does not believe in radio electronics, or can measure up to them, but they were there all the time.

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